Possible Compensation for a Personal Injury Claim
By: SmithSEO | Posted: 18th December 2009
When you are injured through no fault of your own, it can create financial hardship for you and your family. First, medical bills can mount quickly, particularly if you need surgery or other major procedures to treat your injuries. If you require rehabilitation, such as physical or occupational therapy, over the long term, the costs of these services can also go up. Couple those expenses with the fact that you may not be able to work - or earn a steady paycheck - for some time. While the amount of compensation awarded in a personal injury case varies greatly based on the type of accident and the degree of injuries sustained, there are a few basic categories that make up the majority of personal injury compensation packages.
Medical Bills
This payment will include the amount charged to treat you injuries initially, as well as any subsequent costs required to bring your body back to a full state of health. Sometimes, injuries are not detected immediately after an accident. A personal injury lawyer will know how to fully evaluate someone's medical situation to get an accurate estimate of what the total medical expenses might be. This amount will also include money for physical and occupational therapy required to help an accident victim return to his previous job and activities.
Loss of Wages
If your accident renders you unable to work for a period of time, a personal injury claim may also ask for compensation for loss of wages. While some employers offer disability pay for such an emergency, not everyone receives these benefits. This is the time to add reimbursement for loss of wages to a personal injury claim. This compensation ensures that you can continue to pay the rent and your other monthly expenses while healing from the injuries of your accident. This is a key factor for many accident victims, who can then focus on healing their bodies, rather than worrying about how to pay for next week's groceries.
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Tags: period of time, wages, groceries, medical bills, disability, monthly expenses, medical situation, medical expenses, personal injury lawyer, personal injury claim, financial hardship, accident victim, accurate estimate, personal injury compensation, accident victims, personal injury case, occupational therapy