Divorce - Avoid a Divorce in 3 Easy Steps
By: Jamie Hanson | Posted: 17th December 2009
If you think that a divorce is the only option left for you, then you definitely are thinking wrong. Always remember that when you want a divorce it is more your egocentric nature that wishes to prove a point; a point that can be clearly understood. Sadly for you no one has ever told you about other ways and measure by which you can prove a point and send out a message. Here are three simple ways you can avoid a divorce and make your man come begging for you.
1. Take A Long Vacation
When you and your husband are contemplating a divorce, the best thing that you can do is to take a long vacation but make certain that it is not too long. On this vacation it would be best to take your child, and your mother. The only reason that I am asking you not to take a friend is because they would say that they will help but all that they would do is to reiterate known facts about your husband's infidelities and all other flaws and ensure that you go in for a divorce. Let this vacation be a cleansing time, so take someone who will put some sense into your head and re-think your decision.
2. Distance Yourself
When you are on this vacation, make certain that you ex-communicate yourself a little bit from your husband. Take it for granted that on the first day he will call you once under the pretense of wanting to talk to your child. Let him talk. Make sure that the three of you have the best vacation and have the most fun possible. From day two onwards receive just one call through the entire day. If he keeps calling you through the whole day, just ignore those calls and speak to him just before you retire to bed. Call him back and speak to him like nothing is wrong and let your child speak to him too, because children just can't shut it and your child would definitely tell your husband about all the fun the three of your had. This will make your husband feel left out.
3. Decide
After a couple of weeks and with more call ignoring done, say goodbye to this beautiful vacation spot and pack your bags. On your return, stay with your mom for a few days and let your child go to school from there. Take this time to seriously ponder on what you wish to do. If you are going to go in for a divorce then you need to be financially independent as well. Find a suitable profession for yourself and show your man that even you can be financially independent. There is nothing as unique proving the point of your financial security and independence.
Now try these very simple tips and see how your man comes running back to you like a long lost puppy that is hungry and craving for more of you. All you have to do is distance yourself a bit and get an outsider's view on the whole divorce scenario. Then you need to get your thoughts and priorities clear. Having done that you will now have to take a decision that is not only beneficial to you but to all other parties involved. Think about the trauma your child would go through in this process and at least for that, make certain you and your husband meet a good wedding counselor and work on your marriage together.
Find out more about Austin divorce and Austin child custody issues at milnerlawfirm.com
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Tags: little bit, vacation spot, divorce, long vacation, pretense