Avail assistance for claiming compensation
By: Jamie Hanson | Posted: 07th December 2009
"'No win no fee" and "100% compensation" are two different concepts and both types of claims are possible according to the specific legal process. Many legal companies claim to render this facility to their clients. In fact, they do not accept the claim case if these two criteria are not plausible. The solicitors make an agreement with the claimant before taking up the case.
Many intermediaries help find out a reputed solicitor. The solicitor may request for a conditional fee or demand an insurance policy to meet the costs of the legal procedure, in the event the case is lost. If the case is won, then the solicitor will take a certain percentage of the compensation. Therefore, as the solicitor to clarify his stand regarding his fees. If not clarified then the solicitor could surprise you in the middle of the case by asking for payment.
The intermediary companies offer free guidance to find the right kind of solicitor who is knowledgeable about the type of claim you are in. A good solicitor tries to get the maximum compensation possible for his client. These guiding companies analyze and critically appraise the performance of the solicitor before recommending.
Although there has been a substantial rise in persons claiming compensation, hardly 30% of the people with accidental injury, go to the solicitor for legal claims. When a person suffers from accidental injury, the compensation helps him to recover the lost earning and help him in the treatment. This is a person's legal right and he should utilize his right. No one is entitled to harm another person, and take steps to prevent any harm to another person.
It is very difficult for an injured person to pursue claim compensation without legal aid. The solicitors help in corroborating evidence and place it before the court as and when required. Therefore, engaging solicitors will cost the person in terms of legal cost and solicitor expenses. In a "no win no fee," claim the solicitor is paid if he wins the legal battle. The solicitor, in addition to the fee is entitled for an extra fee, usually paid by the losing party.
If the claim rejected by the court, your solicitor gets no money from you but his expenses are borne by the opposite party. These expenses called disbursements. However, you can buy "after the vent" insurance by paying the premium. An injury claim of a person is always with no fees. The fees are borne by the third party. If, injured in an accident and it is three years old, the legal battle can commence and you can claim compensation, provided the accident was not your fault.
For assistance and guidance for no win no fee claims visit us at first4lawyers.com
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Tags: insurance, solicitors, insurance policy, claimant, solicitor, accidental injury, legal aid, different concepts, intermediaries, maximum compensation, person suffers from, claiming compensation