Personal Injury Attorney Can Handle Your Slip and Fall Injury
By: Nick Messe | Posted: 27th November 2009
Many people do not understand, or simply do not know what to do if they are injured because of a fall. Slip and fall injuries can put tension and stress on a person and their families. An injury can result in massive medical bills, and keep a person out of work, resulting in lost wages or more. If a slip and fall injury happens to you, a personal injury attorney can explain to you what your rights are and make sure your interests are protected.
Injuries from slips and falls can happen at almost any time. You can be walking down the street and hit a crack in the sidewalk. That could cause you to fall into a utility pole, bang against a parked car, or even worse fall right into the path of a car driving along the street. In a case like this it is fairly difficult to assess blame due to poor maintenance.
Still, there will be some instances of this sort where the municipal government can be held accountable for the damages. Take for instance the same person (you) walking down the street, but this time imagine it is nighttime. Ahead of you is an open manhole, the cover having been removed by workmen earlier in the day. Unfortunately they forgot to put the cover back in place. You don't see it and walk right into the hole. This would not be a pretty site. You could sustain serious injuries from negligence like this, and there's little doubt the municipality through the action of one of its employees could be held responsible for your injuries.
For some accidents, the victim may be able to recover a personal injury award to help with the stress and tension of medical bills and lost wages. Slip and fall accidents for which there may be personal injury award include flooring or carpet in disrepair, poor parking lot surfaces, build ups of ice and snow, elevators, escalators, stairways, and areas with poor lighting. In the Chicagoland area, a a Chicago or Cook County personal injury attorney will be able to determine if your accident warrants an award.
Here in Cook County, Illinois and the rest of Chicago, business owners and property owners have certain responsibilities to insure that visitors in their establishment or on their property are safe and not at risk of being injured. If an accident happens to you, it may be because the property owner failed to act and violated their responsibility to keep you safe. A Chicago personal injury attorney can help determine if your accident happened because of the property or business owner's failure to act as they are supposed to.
Business owners and property owners must keep visitors safe from damaged flooring, worn or damaged carpeting, malfunctioning elevators, unnatural snow and ice build ups, and poorly lit stairways. A Chicago personal injury lawyer has the expertise to help those injured from a fall in Chicago, Cook County, and all the surrounding areas.
If your accident happened in the Chicagoland area because a property owner failed to keep you safe, a Cook County personal injury attorney can help you recover the costs of your medical bills, lost wages for the time you had to miss work, and awards for pain and suffering. Cook County and Chicago personal injury attorneys have the knowledge and experience to get the maximum possible awards for slip and fall injury victims.
Contact Shea Law Group, Chicago injury lawyers for assistance in getting what you are owed. Spanish service - Los abogados de lesiones personales.This article is free for republishing
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Tags: ups, medical bills, workmen, slip and fall, personal injury attorney, walking down the street, disrepair, stairways, elevators, poor maintenance, municipality, poor lighting, slip and fall accidents, escalators