Sarah Dillon's Articles en-us Child Custody Attorneys-Filing For Child Custody Your choice of child custody attorney is critical in your child custody battle. The process of filing for child custody will be badly damaged without the best attorney in your corner.. Child custody attorneys are widely available in every state and jur... 16th October 2009 Child Custody Attorneys-Know the Answers to These 12 Questions Child custody attorneys are a dime a dozen. And there are the good, bad and ugly so it is essential that you choose the right one for you. This article will set out 12 questions you need to know the answers to. 1. What is your experience of child custo... 16th October 2009 Child Support Attorneys-2 Critical Elements in your choice The breakdown of a relationship with children caught in the crossfire will force you to engage the services of a child support attorney. There are a number of important things to look for the best child support attorneys 1. Experience Your child supp... 23rd September 2009 Child Visitation Rights in Child Custody Cases After a separation or divorce, if joint child custody has been awarded, child visitation rights are granted to the non-custodial parent. A court may grant short-term visitation rights to one parent, and the other will receive primary physical custody of t... 23rd September 2009 What is a Joint Custody Agreement in Joint Custody of Children? A joint custody, or shared custody agreement, is when split parents decide to take joint responsibility for the raising of their children. There is joint physical custody, where the child will alternate between physical homes, and joint legal custody, whe... 11th August 2009