Daniel Berry's Articles http://www.goinglegal.com en-us editorial@articlealley.com The 5 Most Common Causes of Large Truck Accidents There could be any number of reasons why a large truck might be involved in an accident. But, there are five causes for big truck accidents that are the most common. 1. Driver Fatigue: Driver fatigue is one of the most common causes of truck accidents.... http://www.goinglegal.com/the-5-most-common-causes-of-large-truck-accidents-1417047.html 25th February 2010 Bizarre Laws in the State of California – Watch the Number of Sheep on Hollywood Blvd There are a number of bizarre laws in California. These strange laws are not used often and are rarely enforced, if ever, but are still on the books. When you are trying to win a lawsuit or a case in the State of California, it can often help to have know... http://www.goinglegal.com/bizarre-laws-in-the-state-of-california--watch-the-number-of-sheep-on-hollywood-blvd-1409887.html 22nd February 2010 Overview of Child Abuse Lawsuits - General and Basic Legal Info You Should Know A parent's worst fear is that something horrific will happen to their children. Child abuse happens every day and often by the people closest to the children. When child abuse has taken place by a parent, caregiver, teacher or stranger legal action will b... http://www.goinglegal.com/overview-of-child-abuse-lawsuits--general-and-basic-legal-info-you-should-know-1404557.html 18th February 2010 Examples of Wrongful Death Lawsuits and Legal Claims - What You Should Know Wrongful death means a person has died due to negligence, malpractice, or the inaction of another person. It is a painful and angry time for friends and family, and though bringing forth a wrongful death lawsuit will not return their loved one, it can giv... http://www.goinglegal.com/examples-of-wrongful-death-lawsuits-and-legal-claims--what-you-should-know-1365165.html 27th January 2010 Wrongful Death Cases in the News - Information on Negligence Lawsuits Wrongful death is a horrible thing to deal with. However, if you believe that your loved one's death was caused by negligence, malpractice, or complete inaction, you might consider filing a lawsuit. You can obtain an attorney and see if your wrongful deat... http://www.goinglegal.com/wrongful-death-cases-in-the-news--information-on-negligence-lawsuits-1365141.html 27th January 2010 The Most Common Examples of Premises Liability Lawsuits - Slip and Fall Info Premises liability lawsuits may not be as well known as other common lawsuits. However, these are serious lawsuits that center on injuries that befall someone due to the negligence of a property owner or manager. For those curious as to what are common ex... http://www.goinglegal.com/the-most-common-examples-of-premises-liability-lawsuits--slip-and-fall-info-1365105.html 27th January 2010 Examples of Medical Malpractice Lawsuits - Info on Negligence Claims Of all the civil suits filed in state courts, medical malpractice cases are among the most common. This is because many people undergo complex procedures that are sometimes not properly performed. Most people are surprised at the volume of these suits bec... http://www.goinglegal.com/examples-of-medical-malpractice-lawsuits--info-on-negligence-claims-1363385.html 26th January 2010 Famous TV Shows About Lawyers and the Legal Process - Law and Entertainment Whether humorous or serious, legal process TV shows have always had a small place on television. Today, more and more shows include lawyers and their courtroom fights, usually as they try to do what's right for their client and put the bad guy behind bars... http://www.goinglegal.com/famous-tv-shows-about-lawyers-and-the-legal-process--law-and-entertainment-1363319.html 25th January 2010 Famous Movies about Lawyers and the Legal Process - Law and Entertainment Movies that feature court drama can always be interesting, especially when danger and intrigue slip into the film. Sometimes though, it is not about any mystery, but instead the story can be a very human one, touching on very sensitive subjects in our soc... http://www.goinglegal.com/famous-movies-about-lawyers-and-the-legal-process--law-and-entertainment-1363313.html 25th January 2010 Famous Novels and Books about Lawyers and the Legal Process - Law and Entertainment Millions of books have been written about lawyers, their amazing cases, and all the excitement that can surround a courtroom battle. In novels, you never know what the author is going to do next. Many authors who write novels featuring attorneys and the l... http://www.goinglegal.com/famous-novels-and-books-about-lawyers-and-the-legal-process--law-and-entertainment-1363308.html 25th January 2010 The Dangers of Bad Blood Transfusions Potential Medical Malpractice Lawsuits There are a number of life saving reasons why a person may need a blood transfusion. It could be the result of an auto accident or a potentially fatal disease. A blood transfusion when done correctly offers excellent prospects for recovery but when someth... http://www.goinglegal.com/the-dangers-of-bad-blood-transfusions-potential-medical-malpractice-lawsuits-1358908.html 21st January 2010 Premises Liability Lawsuits - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Legal Matters and Claims The owner or occupant of a dwelling or property has specific legal responsibilities when it comes to maintaining safe conditions on the property, or to warn guests or people who may frequent the property of unsafe conditions. Premises liability is branch ... http://www.goinglegal.com/premises-liability-lawsuits--frequently-asked-questions-faqs-about-legal-matters-and-claims-1350335.html 15th January 2010 Examining Slip and Fall Claims: Simple Accident or Caused by Negligence? A slip and fall accident is a common term for an injury on someone else's property. The injuries that occur vary but are typically caused by a slip or trip that results in a fall. Slip and fall accidents can occur inside a building due to torn carpeting, ... http://www.goinglegal.com/examining-slip-and-fall-claims-simple-accident-or-caused-by-negligence-1278691.html 08th December 2009 Being Accused of a Misdemeanor Crime can Have Lasting Repercussions In our society we are faced with the unfortunate reality that some people commit crimes against other people and society. Depending on the crime it may be considered a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is considered a lesser crime. There are offenses that are no... http://www.goinglegal.com/being-accused-of-a-misdemeanor-crime-can-have-lasting-repercussions-1269826.html 02nd December 2009 Bizarre Laws of the United States: The Sunshine State of Florida Every year vacation time roles around leaving many with the travel bug. Whether it is spring, summer, winter, or fall, many destinations are considered. One such popular location in the United States is sunny Florida. White sand beaches, amusement destina... http://www.goinglegal.com/bizarre-laws-of-the-united-states-the-sunshine-state-of-florida-1232509.html 14th November 2009 Four of the Most Famous Fictional Lawyers Every generation has its famous fictional lawyers in some form, whether in a book, in movies, or on a TV show. Here is a list of some of the major favorites. Perry Mason An all time favorite fictional lawyer is Perry Mason, played by Raymond Burr. Thi... http://www.goinglegal.com/four-of-the-most-famous-fictional-lawyers-1232504.html 14th November 2009 Favorite Novels and Books about Lawyers and the Law - Pop Culture and Law If you think of books about lawyers and the legal system your mind might automatically spit out a name like John Grisham. After all, he is a bestselling author who was also a practicing attorney. His books all take the legal system and the role of the law... http://www.goinglegal.com/favorite-novels-and-books-about-lawyers-and-the-law--pop-culture-and-law-1213185.html 03rd November 2009 Famous Novels and Books About Lawyers and the Legal System – Pop Culture and Law There have been millions of books written about attorneys and the legal system. Some of the best books about lawyers are listed below along with a brief description about their plots. These books are all "must reads" for lovers of a good lawyer book. C... http://www.goinglegal.com/famous-novels-and-books-about-lawyers-and-the-legal-system--pop-culture-and-law-1211474.html 02nd November 2009 Famous Movies About Lawyers and the Legal Process – Pop Culture and Law There have been literally hundreds of movies made about attorneys and the legal system. This article looks at some of the most popular movies about lawyers. Adam's Rib This movie starred Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn. It is part drama and part c... http://www.goinglegal.com/famous-movies-about-lawyers-and-the-legal-process--pop-culture-and-law-1211469.html 02nd November 2009 Learn the Truth About Nursing Home Neglect and Elder Abuse It's a hard decision to entrust a loved one to the care of strangers. Your loved one might be scared or confused when placed in unfamiliar surroundings. They might suffer from dementia, angry outbursts, or the inability to speak. For families of elders wh... http://www.goinglegal.com/learn-the-truth-about-nursing-home-neglect-and-elder-abuse-1172503.html 14th October 2009 The Stages of a Car Accident Lawsuit - What to Know There are basic stages to a car accident lawsuit, although not every step happens in each case. Every car accident lawsuit has individual circumstances and facts, and the appropriate lawsuit procedure is based on those. In the first stage, documents kn... http://www.goinglegal.com/the-stages-of-a-car-accident-lawsuit--what-to-know-1131317.html 29th September 2009 Strange, Obscure, and Funny Laws of The United States of America Hundreds of long-forgotten laws remain on state books. The reasons for their existence often remain a mystery but, frequently, are more than likely moral compasses of the times in which they were enacted. In Alabama, do not put an ice cream cone in you... http://www.goinglegal.com/strange-obscure-and-funny-laws-of-the-united-states-of-america-1131255.html 29th September 2009 Statute of Limitations - Time Limits for Filing a Civil or Criminal Lawsuit A statute of limitations is a law, which set outs the time limits within which a civil or criminal lawsuit must be commenced. The limitation depends on the type of claim and whether the lawsuit is filed in federal or state court. Each state has its own st... http://www.goinglegal.com/statute-of-limitations--time-limits-for-filing-a-civil-or-criminal-lawsuit-1131246.html 29th September 2009 Famous Fictional Lawyers - Legal Representation in Pop Culture and the Media From sublime to hilarious, fictional lawyers have entertained millions of people through books, televisions series and movies. From principled to bumbling to devious, these figures have left lasting impressions. Atticus Finch, from Harper Lee's novel "... http://www.goinglegal.com/famous-fictional-lawyers--legal-representation-in-pop-culture-and-the-media-1131236.html 29th September 2009 Strange, Funny, and Insane Laws in California California has its own unique strangeness in its laws. It's a big state, so there is a wide variety of weird for us to check out. Below are some of the most strange laws in the State of California. Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses. No wonder this i... http://www.goinglegal.com/strange-funny-and-insane-laws-in-california-1098555.html 18th September 2009 Weird and Strange Laws in the Midwestern United States All those miles and acres of flat prairie lands in the Midwest United States sure do inspire them to think of some strange and weird laws: Illinois - Never be caught with an empty pocket! You may be charged with vagrancy if you do not have at least on... http://www.goinglegal.com/weird-and-strange-laws-in-the-midwestern-united-states-1090466.html 16th September 2009 Weird, Dumb, and Funny Laws of Texas - Hilarious Statutes Most states have some weird, dumb, or funny laws. Texas has several of them. They are aimed at everything from trains, marriage, and ranching, to encyclopedias and alcohol. One funny law in Texas determines what happens when two trains meet at a railr... http://www.goinglegal.com/weird-dumb-and-funny-laws-of-texas--hilarious-statutes-1074465.html 09th September 2009 What are the Most Common Causes of Burn Injuries? The most common cause of burn injuries is the category known as thermal burns. This category covers the burns which people sustain from direct contact with burn-inducing substances or surfaces. Thermal burns can occur from contact with liquids, fire, stea... http://www.goinglegal.com/what-are-the-most-common-causes-of-burn-injuries-1035878.html 15th August 2009 Bizarre Laws of the United States: Pennsylvania The world at large can be both strange and lovely at the same time. People interactions on a daily basis can ride both tides as well. Some of these encounters are made safer by the laws but in place to keep our towns, communities, and ourselves safe. Othe... http://www.goinglegal.com/bizarre-laws-of-the-united-states-pennsylvania-1032123.html 12th August 2009 Mass Transit Versus Private Transport: Safety Comparison When you think of mass transit, you naturally think of buses, railroads, airplanes, and subways. Every time something goes wrong, people stay away from mass transit for some time, then go back with trepidation. However, the statistics concerning mass tran... http://www.goinglegal.com/mass-transit-versus-private-transport-safety-comparison-1010652.html 01st August 2009 Common Causes of Workplace Injuries to Be Aware Of While On-The-Job Each year millions of Americans are injured in workplace accidents. Injuries are considered work related when they either occurred at work or your job contributed to the injury in some manner. Listed below are some of the most common causes of workplace i... http://www.goinglegal.com/common-causes-of-workplace-injuries-to-be-aware-of-while-onthejob-1010623.html 01st August 2009 Famous Fictional Lawyers and Attorneys at Law - Movies, Television, Books Some of the most recognized names in the legal profession are not real people. Hard to believe, but a number of the most recognizable names in law come from books, movies, and television, which just goes to show how much the media molds the perception of ... http://www.goinglegal.com/famous-fictional-lawyers-and-attorneys-at-law--movies-television-books-932316.html 12th June 2009 Dumb and Funny Laws of Georgia - Legal Comedy One of the great things about living in the United States is the freedom we enjoy. It is necessary, however, to have laws protecting citizens from harm to themselves or their property. Each state has a unique set of laws designed to do just that. Each sta... http://www.goinglegal.com/dumb-and-funny-laws-of-georgia--legal-comedy-930649.html 12th June 2009 The Most Memorable, Famous, Fictional Lawyers in Books, Films, and Television There are many famous fictional lawyers in the pages of books, gracing the silver screen, and on television these days. We have become enamored of these characters and find ourselves waiting eagerly for the next installment in their lives. Some fictional ... http://www.goinglegal.com/the-most-memorable-famous-fictional-lawyers-in-books-films-and-television-924613.html 10th June 2009 Dumb, Weird, and Funny Illinois Laws - Funny Legal Issues Residents and visitors of Illinois may want to carefully check the laws. There are several weird, dumb, and funny laws you should be aware of before you find yourself in trouble with the law. Possibly the dumbest law in the United States exists in Illi... http://www.goinglegal.com/dumb-weird-and-funny-illinois-laws--funny-legal-issues-921531.html 06th June 2009 Outrageous Laws in The State of New York - Laws and Comedy With New York City arguably being the most bustling metropolitan area, it's no wonder The State of New York is serious about their laws. Ranked third in the United States in population, the state officials need to ensure the safety of all of their residen... http://www.goinglegal.com/outrageous-laws-in-the-state-of-new-york--laws-and-comedy-898632.html 18th May 2009 Weird Laws and Dumb Laws in New Jersey New Jersey, like every other state in the country, has its share of some weird, dumb, and funny laws. Automobiles, hobbies, protective gear, food, and even your demeanor are all legislated in The Garden State. One funny law related to automobiles is t... http://www.goinglegal.com/weird-laws-and-dumb-laws-in-new-jersey-898616.html 18th May 2009 Outrageous Laws in The State of California - Legal Comedy It's certainly true that laws are needed in the United States to maintain order in our lives. And while most of us can recognize the major laws from state to state, some may fly under the radar because the basis of these laws are so outlandish. Every stat... http://www.goinglegal.com/outrageous-laws-in-the-state-of-california--legal-comedy-868828.html 26th April 2009 Farm Equipment Accidents Overview Agriculture is the second most dangerous industry in the United States. Harsh weather conditions, long working hours, and heavy equipment often combine to cause serious injury or even death to farm workers. Most farming injuries are caused by equipment, a... http://www.goinglegal.com/farm-equipment-accidents-overview-858988.html 16th April 2009 Strange and Funny Laws in The State of Missouri Weird laws are everywhere. Every country, every state, and every city will have some bizarre laws on the books. What follows below are some of the strangest laws in the State of Missouri. This list is by no means comprehensive and it only scratches the su... http://www.goinglegal.com/strange-and-funny-laws-in-the-state-of-missouri-857885.html 15th April 2009 Strange and Funny Laws in the State of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania is one of the oldest states in the nation. With such a long history, it is no surprise that a few strange laws have come from this fair state over the years. Though Pennsylvania doesn't seem to boast as many strange and funny laws as some oth... http://www.goinglegal.com/strange-and-funny-laws-in-the-state-of-pennsylvania-855235.html 10th April 2009 Weird, Dumb, and Funny Laws in The State of California - Legal Humor You may read about all kinds of weird, dumb and funny laws in the state of California, but if the web site doesn't tell you where that information came from, you don't know if it's a real law or one that has been repealed. Here are some funny laws that ar... http://www.goinglegal.com/weird-dumb-and-funny-laws-in-the-state-of-california--legal-humor-853771.html 09th April 2009 Dumb Laws in New York - Funny Laws on the Books Some of the dumb laws in New York have been on the books for hundreds of years and others have only recently been concocted. Either way, they are really funny. The following is a list of some of the funniest and dumbest laws in the state of New York. F... http://www.goinglegal.com/dumb-laws-in-new-york--funny-laws-on-the-books-848682.html 07th April 2009 Types of Damages Awarded in Personal Injury Lawsuits - Legal Info When you or a loved one has been injured and you are considering filing a claim for personal injuries you may wonder what type of damages you could be awarded. Damages in a personal injury lawsuit include economic losses. This would comprise of lost earni... http://www.goinglegal.com/types-of-damages-awarded-in-personal-injury-lawsuits--legal-info-845934.html 02nd April 2009 Stupid and Funny Laws in The State of New York - Laws and Humor Ah, New York. It's an incredible state boasting one of the cultural centers of the world, and hence it has its own share of oddities. Some of those oddities are, strange enough, located in the law books. These laws are head scratches and contradictory and... http://www.goinglegal.com/stupid-and-funny-laws-in-the-state-of-new-york--laws-and-humor-845877.html 02nd April 2009