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Jay King
Member Since: 24th August 2009
No of Articles: 6
About Me: Jay King is a owner of We've all heard of large companies filing for bankruptcy or "going bankrupt" and most of us would think that particular company must be in trouble.
Bankruptcy Law

Protect college funds of your child in Bankruptcy

29th November 2010
Parents understand the rising prices of tuition fees and college costs that are necessary and are saving every bit of their money that they have earned in their entire life to make a bright future for their children. Most of the parents are saving their m...
Bankruptcy Law

The Pros and Cons of a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

24th November 2010
Individuals who are willing to pay their debts within 3-5 years qualify for the Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This chapter is crucial as it is helpful for individuals that want to retain some or all of their assets. This form of bankruptcy in some cases offers a...
Bankruptcy Law

Different approaches between a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

09th November 2010
If you are facing any problems of the financial kind, then the option of bankruptcy can prove to be the remedy for escaping out from this situation. Filing a bankruptcy case can be an option when your creditors are waiting for you to pay those piled up an...
Bankruptcy Law

The 2005 Bankruptcy Law Explained

03rd November 2010
The law in bankruptcy changed in 2005, which made it harder for people to file for bankruptcy. Furthermore, filers with high incomes may no longer be allowed to make use of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Filers will now have to pay their debts as per the claus...
Bankruptcy Law

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy- The Process Involved

19th October 2010
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is more of a liquidation that involves a debtor’s non- exempt or non-excusable assets. These can be sold by the trustee to pay back the creditors as per the priorities that are established within the chapter’s code. The eligibility of...
Bankruptcy Law

Alternatives to bankruptcy

19th October 2010
There are times when you land yourself in a position where you lose the entire difference between your monthly expenditure and monthly income. This financial trouble can happen anytime in your life and can cause all your creditors to pursue harsh collecti...