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James Trippon
Member Since: 18th February 2009
No of Articles: 6
About Me:

5 Income Tax Preparation Tips

27th March 2009
Its income tax time again! It's when Uncle Same wants to know how much money you earned and how much income tax you owe him. We all want to pay less income tax each year. Instead of looking for tax loopholes and grey area deductions, at J.M. Trippon &...

5 IRS Red Flags That Can Help you Avoid An IRS Audit

27th March 2009
The recent economic stimulus bailouts, declining economy and growing deficit will only increase the IRS' desire to impose an IRS income tax audit. Rest assured that the IRS is going to do everything it can to collect as many tax dollars that they are owed...

Tax Preparation and Tax Accounting Strategy

27th March 2009
I'm Tax Accountant Jim Trippon with a short lesson on Tax Planning and Tax Accounting practices that are fool proof to save you money on this year's income tax return.Tax accounting and income tax planning is the best strategy for reducing the "Sudde...

5 Tips That Can Help you Avoid An IRS Audit

27th March 2009
The 2009 economic stimulus bailouts, our country?s economic challenges and the growing Federal deficit will only increase the IRS? desire to impose an IRS income tax audit on you. One things for sure? Our government needs money and the IRS is going to get...

IRS Tax Fraud Defined

27th March 2009
Every American citizen is responsible for filing their own federal income tax return, through what is called voluntary compliance. Most Americans do file their income tax return reporting their earning and paying the required tax liability as calculated b...

Income Tax Problems Practical Solutions

27th March 2009
A majority of income tax problems start with marriage, divorce or death. Most single people are filing a simple W-2 return. Their return is straight forward either they owe or they are getting a tax refund. However, once married, going through a divorce, ...