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Jessica Parker
Member Since: 28th October 2008
No of Articles: 47
About Me:
Personal Injury

Accident Claims - not as daunting as the accident itself!

15th November 2011
Almost all of us have been injured in an accident at some point or other. Usually we only sustain minor injuries, but an unfortunate minority sustain more serious injuries. We normally need a doctor to treat injuries caused by the accident and leave ourse...

Injury Compensation: A Simple Guide

28th September 2011
Injury compensation is a way to reclaim the losses you’ve suffered after an injury or accident because of another’s negligence. These could be financial, for example loss of earnings because you’ve taken time off work, or they could be physical, where you...
Personal Injury

Injury Compensation - Your Questions Answered

20th July 2011
Claiming injury compensation might appear to be a time consuming process at first, but with the help of a good legal advisor it can be made a whole lot easier. Those considering making a claim for injury compensation should look for a reputable company to...
Personal Injury

Preventing Industrial Injuries

28th June 2011
Recent statistics from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) show that industrial injuries consistently account for the highest number of workplace injuries of any occupation. Industrial injuries are workplace injuries that take place within an ‘indus...
Personal Injury

Industrial Injury Claims – Know Your Rights

23rd May 2011
According to the Government’s Labour Force Survey 233,000 reportable injuries at work occurred in 2009/10. Many of these were industrial injuries – injuries sustained in an industrial working environment such as a factory, warehouse, or construction site....
Personal Injury

Vibration White Finger and HAVS Advice

17th May 2011
Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is caused by prolonged use of hand-held power tools. Regular and frequent exposure to such vibrating equipment can cause symptoms such as “white finger” and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This article provides advice for empl...
Family Law

Contesting a will - know your rights

20th December 2010
The time immediately following the death of a loved one is always a difficult time for all involved. This time can unfortunately be even more painful if there is confusion or dispute surrounding the manner in which the deceased’s estate will be split bet...
Personal Injury

Accident At Work Claims Advice

15th December 2010
Making a claim against your employer after being involved in an accident at work can be a daunting process to go through; there are many things to be considered when you are thinking about making a claim. Important factors include: who was responsible for...
Accident claims

Top 4 Tips for Preventing Christmas Accidents At Home

19th October 2010
Christmas is one of the most fun times of the year. But with all the commotion involved in meeting up with the family, over-excited children, and with alcohol added to the mix as well, it can also present dangers in terms of health and safety in the home....
Accident claims

Factory Accidents and Work Accident Claims

06th October 2010
The combination of heavy machinery, noise, and moving vehicles such as fork lift trucks means that, unfortunately, factory accidents do happen. Usually, factory accidents will be relatively small incidents where there is no-one to blame. However, if th...
Accident claims

Top 4 Construction Accident Statistics

28th September 2010
Like any other working environment, those in the construction industry may experience work accidents from time to time. If the employee’s injury can be directly attributed to the mistakes of the employer, these accidents can lead to successful constructio...
Accident claims

Accident Claims: What Everyone Should Know About Holiday Accident Claims

08th September 2010
Never before have so many of us travelled. Cheap flights abroad and easy access to information means it has never been simpler to travel. Sadly, one of the downsides of these changes is that we are more likely to have an accident abroad. However, even tho...
Accident claims

Health and Safety at Work and Work Accident Claims

29th August 2010
Many people believe that a ‘compensation culture’ exists in the UK, with thousands of unnecessary compensation claims being made by every year, often by employees taking advantage of overprotective health and safety legislation to claim against their empl...
Accident claims

Car Accidents and Injury Claims – A Five Step Checklist

04th August 2010
Being involved in a car accident can be an incredibly traumatic experience, even if you are lucky enough to escape unhurt. The inevitable paperwork and time spent on the phone to your insurance company is a hassle most people would rather avoid. If yo...
Personal Injury

Sports Accident Claims - Know Your Rights

23rd June 2010
As the sun comes out and more and more people head to their local parks and pitches, it's inevitable that sports injuries will happen, and most are completely unavoidable. A certain degree of risk is accepted when playing any sport and in most minor accid...
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