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Help Line Law
Member Since: 11th September 2008
No of Articles: 5
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Eligibility for Visa-on-Arrival.

16th March 2011
A Tourist Visa-on-Arrival shall be granted to a foreigner who is a national of Finland, Japan, Luxemburg, New Zealand or Singapore. whose sole objective of visiting India is recreation, sight seeing, casual visit to meet friends or relatives etc. and ...
Immigration Law

Section 5: Citizenship by Registration

08th November 2010
Subject to the provisions of this section and such other conditions and restrictions as may be prescribed, the Central Government may, on an application made in this behalf, register as a citizen of India any person not being an illegal migrant who is not...

Legal Information from developer / promoters before purchasing flats/apartments in Bangalore

02nd October 2009
An apartment buyer has to especially obtain the following legal information in Bangalore from the developer / promoters before purchasing flats/apartments: Mother deed /sale deed etc: It is very important document to trace the ownership. And it is basi...

Information of hotel industry laws in india - part2

13th October 2008
.Tax benefits/ incentives. .Current projections in budget. Hotel Industry in India currently has supply of 110,000 rooms and there is a shortage of 150,000 rooms fueling hotel room rates across India. According to estimates demand is going to exceed s...

Information of hotel industry laws in india - part1

13th October 2008
Opportunities Applicable laws/regulatory policies. Introduction Hotel Industry in India is witnessing tremendous boom in recent years and going through an interesting phase. One of the major reasons for the increase in demand for hotel rooms in ...